Monday, February 29, 2016

My Little Romancer

My cute kindergartner, Caden, is turning out to be quite the little romancer. He is going to make a very sweet and thoughtful husband some day, as proven in the following stories.
  • Sometimes while we eat, the boys like to play "I Spy." One time, Caden said, "I spy something lovely that I love." Then he turned to me and revealed, "It's you!"
  • After tucking him in bed one night, he told me, "I can see you in my heart." Another time he said, "You make my heart smile."
  • Today I asked him who his best friend is. He thought about it for a second and then replied, "My best friend in the whole, entire world is you! I love you in the entire world!"
  • One Sunday after church, I decided to nap on the couch while Gabe was asleep and Caden was coloring. Thinking I was already asleep, Caden put a blanket on me, tucked me in, whispered, "Nice and warm," stroked my cheek, and kissed my head. 
Except for the tucking in part, I don't say things like that to him, so this all happens on his own! He is so adorable. I love him so much.

Earlier this month, his school had a mother-son dinner and dance for Valentine's Day. I told Justin this was his chance to teach Caden, although only five, how to prepare for and treat a date. Justin took the boys to the store, where he picked out chocolate for me and Caden picked out flowers. Then Justin got Caden ready. When we were both done, Caden gave me my gifts. 

The dance was at a local Italian restaurant. We shared a table with one of Caden's classmates and his mother. First, we danced a little. Although not very many people came, the ones that did come danced, even the older boys. Then we had a spaghetti dinner, followed by a mother-son slow dance (this did not go as well as I had hoped because Caden wanted to dance goofy or have me hold him the whole time). 

The remaining time the boys chased each other and had a balloon fight. 

We ended with all the mothers dancing the Electric Slide, which made me feel old. Overall, it was a very enjoyable evening, and I loved having the alone time with Caden. I want to take him on another date soon!
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